Free T-shirt for Anyone from BaliLondon.ID and Yogya.WIN

10:47 AM 0 Comments

Yes... you read it right.

At BaliLondon.ID and Yogya.WIN we are excited to bring bright news to all our readers and reviewers.

From today until the 31st of August, we are giving away one T-shirt to anyone that joins, follows and publishes 30 Posting in the Social Media, ie facebook, Twitter, Path, Line, Whatsapp, Linkedln, etc. *

Yes. This is your time to win an Awesome T-shirt by August 31st, 2016!

 How cool is that, right?

This is a brand new 2016 promotion and we have created a page to explain to you, the whole process.

To find out more visit:

At Delfa's Group (BaliLondon.ID and Yogya.WIN), we are excited to see you on board...

* Like any promotion: Please be sure to read the terms and conditions on our site ;)

Warmer Regards,

Allah istimewakan kedua orang tua yang mengasuh, mendidik, dan menafkahi anaknya dengan penuh kasih sayang. Mereka bimbing anaknya menuju jalan yang diridhai Allah, sampai usia anak dewasa. Orang tua seperti inilah yang segala permintaan dan permohonannya dikabulkan.